The Humor Mill

Will Smith Speaks About The Reporter He Slapped On Red Carpet For MIB3!

Posted May 23, 2012

After a week of all of the drama associated with Will Smith and the incident of him slapping the reporter on the red carpet of Men In Back 3, Smith finally addressed the incident on the David Letterman Show.

“We’re doing an interview, and he says, ‘I’m your biggest fan. Can I have a hug?’ and I go to give this joker a hug, and he tries to lean in to like kiss me,” Will told David Letterman.

“It’s just awkward, Dave,” said Will.

Many people have voiced their opinion on the matter, and many have expressed the opinions all over the internet; some igniting the rumors that are not pleasant enough to reprint here.

Some even commented that Will was far too kind.

It was also being reported that the reporter who did that to Will always does things to get a response from celebrities.

“That’s what they were saying. They were like, ‘Oh no, we’re sorry. It’s just his shtick.’ Well, that’s why his a$$ got shtuck,” Will joked.

Here is the interview with Letterman;

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