The Humor Mill

Will 'In Living Color' Make The FOX 25th Year Anniversary Special?

Posted Mar 27, 2012

As you already know- because we have been reporting it for weeks- the FOX network is in plans to bring back In Living Color. We heard from our sources that the cast is taking shape this week as they are finalizing the entire cast for what we hear will be a 2 episode deal, with a kick off reunion show of the past cast members.

You may have heard from other websites (and there were a lot of them) who carried the Tommy Davidson story where he mentioned the reunion. He was right because FOX has already contacted all of the past stars including Jamie Foxx, Damon Wayans and Jim Carrey (just to name a few) to make a guest appearance on the show.

What you haven’t heard is that because the casting has fallen behind, the In Living Color reunion may not make the special kick of celebration that the network is planning with other iconic shows such as Married… With Children and The X Files, both shows which will have their entire casts on board for their reunion specials. The plan is FOX will be celebrating the FOX 25th Anniversary Special with these shows that assisted in launching the network to its prominence of where it is today.

So the question remains, will FOX push the reunion back slightly until the casting is complete or with the network just slot the special to air at a later date? We shall see. Stay tuned as this story is developing daily.

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