The Humor Mill

R&B Singer Vesta Williams Found Dead-UPDATED!!!

Posted Sep 22, 2011

Tonight we discovered that singer Vesta Williams was found dead tonight in her hotel room in Los Angeles.  If you remember, Vesta produced Top 10 R&B hits Sweet Sweet Love, 4 U, and Congratulations.

Our deepest condolences goes out to her family.

More details to follow soon.


According to TMZ, there were prescription pills were found at Vesta’s hotel room where she was found. Here is what they posted:

Multiple bottles of prescription pills were found in the El Segundo, CA hotel room where R&B singer Vesta Williams died … law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

We’re told “several bottles” were discovered — some empty.

Law enforcement sources tell us officials first received a call related to Vesta’s death around 6PM Thursday night.

Sources tell us the death is being treated as either an accident or suicide, but not a homicide.

The coroner won’t know if drugs played a part in her death until the toxicology reports are in — and that could take 6 weeks.

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