The Humor Mill

Eddie Murphy’s New Film ‘A Thousand Words’ Releases New Poster

Posted Nov 24, 2011

Now that the news has passed and we have finally gotten over the fact that comedic actor Eddie Murphy will not be hosting the Oscars, we can now move on to his other projects. With that news, word has been released that Murphy’s newest film titiled  A Thousand Words (which was filmed two years ago) released the new trailer for the film along with the new poster. Now we are not sure if this poster or trailer will get you to forget about the Oscars gig, but we do know that you will be talking about this new film one way or another.

Here is the new poster;

And in case you missed the trailer for the film, or if you have no idea what the film is about, here it is;

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The Humor Mill Volume 7 Issue 1 March 2023

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