The Humor Mill

Despite Reports, Foxxhole Radio To Survive On Sirius XM!

Posted Jan 27, 2012

Several months ago, we were told by our sources that Foxxhole Radio (founded by Jamie Foxx in partnership with Sirius Radio) was in jeopardy of closing it’s doors for good.

Back then, our sources disclosed to us that Foxxhole has told its staff that they were going on hiatus until January and that they would resume its programming then. We heard that the station would be playing reruns of its programming, -which they did- and that the entire staff and it’s programming probably would not return at all.

Well, as of this writing and after having a brief conversation with Marcus King, (one of the founders) The Foxxhole has recently relaunched is is about to possibly revamp its schedule.

No official word has been announced on any specific changes.

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