The Humor Mill

Chris Tucker To Finally Jump In A New Comedy Film?

Posted Dec 7, 2010

Several sites today picked up a story that was first reported by industry website that comedian and actor Chris Tucker is about to jump in a new film titled The Rabbit that was being pitched around for several months and finally landed Tucker.

Now we are taking this story that is being reported with a grain of salt because Tucker has been committed to several projects in the past, most recently a film that was to be directed by old pal Brett Ratner (who directed the Rush Hour film franchise) titled Mr. S: My Life With Frank Sinatra. This project was stalled in the early pre-production stages. This film was just one of several that had Tucker attached.

Plus a year ago this time Tucker was hitting the stages in preparation for a supposed tour that he was extremely interested in with AEG Live for 10 cities that never materialized.

Now comes along this new story about a new film that is being reported that is supposedly in the same vein as Midnight Run.

Variety states that the film is “based on a spec script written by Micah Barnett and centers on a Las Vegas magician and master escape artist, who’s forced to flee the country and becomes an internationally renowned “Houdini for hire” for clients wanting to break themselves or loved ones out of prison. All that changes when the CIA offers him a chance of redemption in exchange for one final job — to retrieve a socially stunted master counterfeiter from a remote Eastern European fortress before the Russian mob can get to him.”

Now is Tucker really going to do this film? We are not sure, but will his recent run in with the IRS for his supposed tax issues make him finally jump into the ring of doing a new film again? We shall see.

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