The Humor Mill

Brand New Music Review Column-Brand New Artist From Beyonce Named Kat Drops New Single Titled 'Mockery'!

Posted May 8, 2012

At first glance KAT makes you want to do a triple take for her: beauty, talent and drive. A glimpse is quickly turned into a head nod as you see her in action transitioning from behind the reed to center stage, turning it all the way up. Her smoky vocals mirror her look on the cover of her Mockery EP, available on I-Tunes May 22, 2012, the single is out today. Mockery shows Kat’s versatility of both a musician and an artist.

Handpicked by Beyonce in 2006 out of 1000 female musicians to be apart of her all female band has prepared KAT for her role that has always been in the making, to ”[Be] Your Star.”

Here is our Q&A with the Artist;

HM: How has touring with Beyonce help set your own stage as you perform as a solo artist?
KAT: Being blessed to work with someone that has accomplished so much, you get to get a lot, and if you don’t, you just dumb! No but for real, I try to learn all that I can when I’m in that environment!

HM: It is said ”success is when preparation meets opportunity, would you say that this is, true in your case?
KAT: Lord yes, I’ve been preparing for a while, but opportunity doesn’t come often so you have to grab it by its horns and go!

HM: The music industry is a tough one to break into from all areas, would you say faith is the key that opens the door?
KAT: Absolutely, but I would add faith with perseverance!

HM: What tips would you give musicians who want to make this a profession?
KAT: Don’t give up, always believe in your craft, and mold it as much as you possibly can!!!

Mockery Album out May 22nd 2012

For more info on KAT Rodriguez-Harrold aka KAT visit her website
Follow her on Twitter!/katrodriguez_
Like her Fanpage
TBC on video release but behind the scenes is out on May 8TH 2012 Mockery single out May 8th 2012

Review By: Josayne M Anderson-Tejera, Humor Mill Music Correspondent & CEO of

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