The Humor Mill

Vin Diesel Confirms Riddick Will Begin Shooting Soon!

Posted May 25, 2011

Word is spreading around Hollywood the last couple of days about something that we gave you a heads up on a couple of months ago- Vin Diesel is about to begin works on a third film in the Pitch Black series tentatively titled Riddick.

On his Facebook page yesterday Diesel posted this item to confirm the story- but let us tell you this has been in the works for MONTHS, there was just a conflict of schedules (oh yeah, and MONEY) but it was going to happen. Anyway, here is Diesel’s words;

GRRRR.. D T the writer/director just landed in New York with the good news. We can start filming this summer. However, there is a catch… in order for us to make a true R rated film, I must work for scale upfront. Not unlike the “Find me Guilty” experience (which I wouldn’t have changed for the world)… Money is always second to art, integrity and spirit… but the real issue is deeper. Can I suspend my life, to momentarily venture to that dark place… called Riddick.

As you know, Diesel is currently in the film Fast Five, he also just locked in a new franchise (see our news item and video HMTV New Break) and he also is planning on revamping the XXX franchise.

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