The Humor Mill

Tracy Morgan In Hot Water Again With New Statements!

Posted Jun 29, 2011

In a breaking news story, comedian Tracy Morgan is in hot water again. This time instead of making statement against gays, he made some claims against the mentally ill.  Our question is when a comedian is on stage isn’t that supposed to be out of bounds and considered a joke?

Anyway, TMZ just dropped this story about Tracy’s performance last night that has everyone talking and is sure to be blown way out of proportion;

Tracy warned his audience at a performance in New York City this weekend, “Don’t ever mess with women who have retarded kids.”  The audience groaned, but Tracy didn’t stop:  “Them young retarded males is strong.  They’re strong like chimps.”

But more was yet to come.  Tracy reminisced about a girl he once dated, describing her as “a cripple” with a prosthetic arm, a mechanical larynx and a portable dialysis machine.

You’ll recall, earlier this month, Tracy drew fire for another performance, in which he said he would stab his son to death if he spoke in a “gay voice.”

More on this as the story develops.

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