The Humor Mill

The 'Think Like A Man' Cast Talks About The Trayvon Martin Ordeal!

Posted Mar 25, 2012

Yesterday at the Press Junket for Think Like A Man (the upcoming Screen Gems film starring Kevin Hart and Michael Ealy to name a few) our friends at Blacktree TV spoke to the cast about the film and of course the Trayvon Martin ordeal came up. Check out what they had to say and read the release from Blacktree below!

[BlackTree TV – Los Angeles] We sat down with the cast of Think Like A Man this past weekend, and while talking about all the relationship things that happen in the movie, we took a moment to talk about the recent murder in Sanford, Fl of Trayvon Martin. Check out what Gabrielle Union, Meagan Good, and Regina Hall have to say about the recent controversy.

A conversation with Kevin Hart set the stage for Gabrielle Union to join the cast. Says Union, “When I was shooting “Little In Common” with Kevin Hart he said ‘Did you read Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man?’ I was like ‘No.’ So Kevin passed [the script] off to me. I read it, I loved it and I was like how can we make this work?”

Packer was interested. “Gabrielle was somebody that I wasn’t close to prior to this project,” says Packer. “The project came up, her agent called and said ‘Gabrielle Union would like to meet with you about it.” Union’s quick wit and sharp sense of humor won him over, so she was cast as Kristen, forever concerned about the slacker ways of her live-in boyfriend Jeremy.

“She’s nearing that age and place in life where she wants to take things to the next level and really secure a solid commitment from Jeremy,” says Union, who also reveals that Harvey’s book was more than just a means to a movie role. “It has definitely helped in my dating life!”

When assembling an ensemble cast, Packer knew he had to bring out the most qualified and talented actresses in Hollywood. That meant ensuring Regina Hall was on board. “I just hit her direct and said, ‘Reg, I got this project. Check it out. I want you to see it,” says Packer. Hall, who plays Terrence J’s love interest, Candace, loved the script.

“When I first read the script I thought it was hilarious,” says Hall. “And being familiar with the book, listening to Steve Harvey’s advice to women and sometimes applying it to my own life and then seeing how they’ve actually made it into a story that crossed all these different kinds of relationships and different issues in relationships–I thought it was really funny and touching at the same time. It had a lot of heart.”

Harvey lays out the problems Hall’s character faces: “This woman is faced with this guy that she’s crazy about, but she’s got to deal with the fact that wow, this guy loves his mother more than he loves life itself, so where do I fit in here? There are a lot of women who’ve had to grapple with that.”

To round out the script’s lead female roles, the filmmakers set their sights on Meagan Good. Explains Packer, “Megan and I worked together on Stomp The Yard. We kept in touch. We tried to work together a couple times, but her schedule or my schedule–it didn’t really line up perfectly, but as soon as I knew that she had a window I could hit with this. I think she is one of the most talented and underrated young actresses in the game today.”
Meagan was definitely interested and was cast as Mya, a beautiful single woman who employs one of Harvey’s tactics — the ninety-day rule — to weed out players. “I read the script a couple months before and I fell in love with Mya,” says Good. “She’s the kind of girl who’s looking for the right relationship and wants to be in love and wants the positive thing, but she always gives it up a little too soon. So this journey for her is about recognizing her self-worth and making sure that the person that she does choose recognizes her worth as well.”

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