The Humor Mill

Steve Harvey's EX Is At It Again As She Breaks Gag Order From Court!

Posted Feb 22, 2011

We have to say that we are completely surprised by this story because we thought that it was coming to an end, but apparently not.

It seems that Steve Harvey’s ex-wife Mary Harvey spoke to a radio station in Washington, DC, Magic 102.3 as she tried to clear her name- and continue to smear Steve’s- about allegations of non payment after their divorce.

The funny thing is Mary was ordered by the court not to say ANYTHING but yet Mary still found her way on a radio station to discuss her recent youtube videos, bashing Steve and a continued attempt to smear his name.

In case you haven’t seen any of her videos they were all made stating that Harvey hasn’t paid anything to her since the divorce, including child support, even though court documents recently released state clearly that that was false.

Anyway, click on this link and read the story and listen to the interview from Magic 102.3;

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