The Humor Mill

Steve Harvey Drops Proof Against His Ex!

Posted Feb 8, 2011

According to our friends at EURWEB, comedian Steve Harvey has let off a serious weapon in his argument against his ex-wife; PROOF!

Yep, Harvey was unable to say what he really thought until recently because of a gag order, but the courts recently allowed him to go on the offensive. Check out the article;

Steve Harvey’s reps say a Texas judge has approved the release of a legaldocument “which verifiably proves” that the allegations from his ex-wife Mary Harvey (spurred by her appearance on YouTube) were indeed false.”

Despite an existing gag order in the case stemming from their 2005 divorce proceedings, the Honorable Judge Dry of the District Court in Collin County has temporarily lifted the order “so that Steve Harvey will have the opportunity to set the record straight with the hope that the plethora of media outlets that reported these false allegations wlll now report the truth,” read an e-mail sent to EUR from his reps.

Steve’s camp says the released document disproves the following allegations from Mary:

(1) Mary Harvey was not left broke or destitute by Mr. Harvey after their divorce in 2005.  She was paid $40,000/month until March 2009 and then paid a lump sum of $1.5 million;

(2) Mary Harvey was not left homeless after her divorce from Mr. Harvey in 2005.  She was awarded three (3) homes in their property settlement;

(3) Mr. Harvey is the primary custodian of their 13 year old son, whom Mary Harvey willingly put on an airplane to his father.  Mary Harvey sent him to his father without Mr. Harvey’s knowledge; and

(4) The 2005 divorce of Steve and Mary Harvey was granted on the grounds of irreconcilable differences and his current wife was not named in the original divorce proceeding nor was she the cause of the marital break-up.

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