The Humor Mill

New Comedy Play Titled 'Dick & Jane Get A Life' Launches At 2013 Hollywood Fringe Festival!

Posted May 16, 2013

PepWe just discovered that there is a new comedy play coming, and it’s not from the usual suspects such as Tyler Perry or David E. Talbert. This new play is from writer and actress Peppur Chambers and is titled Dick & Jane Get A Life.

According to our sources, the new play is set to premiere at the 2013 Hollywood Fringe Festival in June. It is about an unfunny comedian who feels he must have a girlfriend in order to find the funny again and was inspired by Chambers’ past as a waitress at The Comedy Union! Interesting, to say the least! From the rumblings that we have heard, its a play that is a must-see!

Here is the show description;

Dick & Jayne Get A Life
by Peppur Chambers, Directed by Les Wieder
With his already horrible comedy career on the line due to a failed relationship, Dick’s manager implores him to find the funny or never come back to the comedy club. Dick feels he can only be funny if he has a girlfriend. Enter Jayne. Pregnant by asshole Alex, broke, scared and faced with a decision, she is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Jayne finds comfort in the warped, gallant arms of Dick and Dick finds comfort in the symmetry of their names. Together, Dick & Jayne Get A Life.

Dick and Jayne color sticker space (FRONT) 3

The show dates and times;

6/19 6p
6/22 12n
6/23 4p
6/26 6p
6/29 12n

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