The Humor Mill

Martin Lawrence Eyes New Film & TV Projects, And 'Bad Boys 3' Update!

Posted May 31, 2012

Despite the reports that are circulating the internet from the National Enquirer about Martin Lawrence being depressed because of his recent family issues and CBS dropping his new sitcom, we discovered some news that state that Lawrence is NOT standing still!

We hear from our sources that Lawrence is back in the lab and seriously looking at two new projects for television and several new films that will easily put him back on the map, and we hear that he has expedited the Bad Boys 3 project. As Will Smith stated a couple of weeks ago about that project coming back to life, we hear the stars are having serious conversations about the script and the shooting schedule for the possible film. The first thing that has to be sorted out is the schedules of Smith, Lawrence and Michael Bay (who directed the first two films and is the director of the Transformers franchise) as all three have expressed extreme interest in working together again. Looks like this is moving forward for real!

As word of this develops, we will keep you posted!

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