The Humor Mill

Mark Curry Gets Racially Profiled At Colorado Hotel

Posted Dec 12, 2022

Comedian Mark Curry recently took to social media and revealed that he was racially profiled while at The Mining Exchange, a Wyndham hotel located in downtown Colorado Springs. Curry was in town for a comedy gig at a club adjacent to the hotel. 

The incident found Curry hanging in the hotel lobby sipping coffee when two hotel employees approached the comedian, standing nearby and looking at him. They asked Curry if he was a guest staying there. Because of that, Curry fired back, saying he was approached because he was Black, and accused the staff of harassing him. The comedian then asked why other lobby guests weren’t asked these same questions. 

The employees didn’t have an answer, and Curry got up and made his way to the bathroom after being asked for his ID by a front desk attendant. Since the incident, Wyndham has apologized and offered Curry “an open invitation to return at no cost any time in the future.” Watch above. 

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