The Humor Mill

Kevin Hart And Scott Eastwood Visit The Los Angeles Rams During Practice

Posted Aug 25, 2017

Kevin Hart and Scott Eastwood were the latest celebrities to visit the Rams, and they seemed to get much more involved with the team than anyone else has.

Hart tried and failed to make catches, they did push-ups and they looked really tired throughout all of it. Meanwhile, the Rams added their own commentary on Snapchat.

Here’s how it all hilariously turned out:

It started with Hart and Eastwood at the team’s morning meeting.

Then, Hart provided everyone with plenty of laughs.

Hart apparently isn’t so great at football.


The Rams poked fun at everything, including Hart’s inability to catch a football, asking, “Too much popcorn before practice?”

When practice ended, Hart told the team that he’s “leaving a fan of (their) organization.”

That’s one way to end practice. Thanks for coming out today! 

And there was of course a photo of 5-foot-4 Hart looking incredibly short.

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