The Humor Mill

Is The Spoken Funk Comedy Show Coming To Television?

Posted Oct 11, 2012

With many clubs in and around Hollywood geared towards comedy, one has to do something special to get attention in the tough economic market just to get customers to come. Its a well known fact that comedy promoters pull all stops to not only get a weekly audience, but they also try to do things to KEEP the audience.

So when something comes along that has a great spin on comedy, it tends to last.

Six years ago, a comedian and spoken word artist known as Poetri and his wife Juren started to produce what is now known as Spoken Funk, a comedy and spoken word event that showcases clean and intelligent entertainment. The event has been produced for over six years and lately has started to get the attention of Hollywood. As it is now, on any given night that the show is produced, you can see a who’s who in the audience enjoying the show.

On every first Sunday of the month the show continues to gain stride and the producers are now having serious conversations about broadcasting the show for television, along with an internet broadcast. As of this writing, we are not sure which network will close the deal, but we do know that there are conversations.

Check back here for more info as this story develops!

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