The Humor Mill

Eddie Murphy & Brett Ratner Team Up Again For New Film Project!

Posted Oct 31, 2011

We discovered from our sources that comedic actor Eddie Murphy, who most recently has launched a new film with Brett Ratner titled Tower Heist and has agreed to host the Oscars with Ratner (as he is one of the Producers of the show), has decided to move forward with other projects with Ratner- with one in particular.

We hear that Murphy and Ratner have been planning on doing several projects together, but this project we are about to mention stands out because Murphy and Ratner tried to pull off several key elements of this nature before. Those elements they were trying to accomplish was to gather several of the most popular African American comedians together for one film. As we all know by now, the original concept for Tower Heist was to include Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, Martin Lawrence, Mike Epps, and Katt Williams to join them all in what was supposed to be an Ocean’s Eleven remake, and didn’t happen as planned.

Well, now we hear that the new film in development titled Soul, Soul, Soul (which was developed from an idea of Murphy’s) has the earmarks for that particular scenario to happen. While the film is still in the early development stages, we hear that the early talks are for Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, Chris Tucker, Martin Lawrence and Mike Epps to all join Murphy in this film.

Of course, this is contradictory to the new Rolling Stones article that is now on the news stands that states Murphy is writing an alien abduction film that may star these same comics. While we heard the same thing several months ago, that project has been put on hold and this new film seems to be the one where Murphy and Ratner are leaning towards by including this all star cast.

We should also state the while the script is not yet completed, the story is still being flushed out. A script is supposed to be delivered to the studio in two months. Word is the Ratner is excited about the possibility of pulling all of the mentioned comedians together for this film and is very excited about the project.

Check out the interview where Murphy mentions the project briefly on the red carpet for Tower Heist;

More details will follow soon!

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