The Humor Mill

Comedy New Classic- Katt Williams On The Pimp Chronicles!

Posted Jul 26, 2010

After officially retiring over a year ago, the persistent question we keep getting is what happened to Katt Williams? After the past 12 rocky months for Katt, the obvious answer has been he is REALLY retired. Well, we should say retired from doing stand up comedy. It’s a weel known fact now that Katt is in the process of dropping a hip hop album like he did in the past, and so far word has leaked to us that he is gonna have many hip hop super stars on the album.

Anyway, not to be forgotten because just over a year ago the hottest comedian on tour was Katt, so here is a clip of what now is a comedy classic performance of Katt Williams on stage during his infamous taping of The Pimp Chronicles performance;

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