The Humor Mill

Comedian Kevin Hart Being Falsely Accused About Negativity Towards Black Women!

Posted Apr 14, 2012

Within the last week comedian Kevin Hart has come under a lot of scrutiny, and the sad thing is,its all undeserved. A little while ago, a comic was posted showing Hart saying some derogatory remarks towards black women and it was posted on his site, without his knowledge. Hart immediately became aware when all of the backlash started and several other websites picked up the comic and reported it as news.

It should be stated that the comic showing Hart is NOT from him or his camp, and Hart is already taking steps towards legal action against all of the parties involved.

Here are several statements from Hart via his social media site;

From Kevin’s Facebook,

ATTENTION EVERYONE…….I have been getting google alerts all day about a cartoon that’s being credited to me that talks about black woman…I have nothing to do with this cartoon, I am not behind it or involved with it in anyway shape or form!!! THIS CARTOON IS FRAUDULENT…With that being said if the promotion of this CARTOON is not stopped ASAP I will be taking legal actions against all parties that are involved.

later amended to read,

I was just made aware that the cartoon was posted on my page yesterday…… was posted by someone who only had access to my page for the purpose of uploading my calendar events…..That person thought that they were doing me a favor by posting something that THEY thought was funny……..LEGAL ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN & ONCE AGAIN I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT CARTOON IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM!!!!!! I am now done talking about this subject……LIVE LOVE & LAUGH.

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