The Humor Mill

Chris Rock Defends Tracy Morgan Via Twittter Then Back Peddles!

Posted Jun 13, 2011

In all of the heated debate brewing over the Tracy Morgan comments that he made last Thursday some celebrities are taking sides in the discussion. Some of which are comedians like Chris Rock, who at first defended Morgan, but then after making several statements via his twitter account, he immediately backed off. Probably because he saw the HUGE backlash that followed.

Rock stated via twitter “I dont know about you, but I dont want to live in world where Tracy Morgan cant say foul inappropriate s—.”

Then after that post, the back peddle came; “Tracy morgan is a tad off we all know that so when tracy says something i usually don’t take it anymore serious than i would a statement from gary busey or flavor flav. when i first heard the statement i thought it was offensive but it also reminded me of my father saying ill kill you if you ever bring home a white girl but after reading everything tracy said. wow i get it that s— wasn’t called for and i don’t support it at all. now can i please go to the tony awards without getting my ass kicked.”

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