The Humor Mill

Chris Rock And Diplo Escaped Burning Man By Hitching A Ride In The Back Of A Pickup Truck

Posted Sep 5, 2023

It seems a disaster was averted for Chris Rock as he was at The Burning Man over the weekend, but was able to get out by hitching a ride on the back of a fan’s pickup truck. Rock was able to escape with the DJ known as Diplo.

“I legit walked the side of the road for hours with my thumb out cuz I have a show in dc tonight and didnt want to let yall down. Also shoutout to this guy for making the smart purchase of a truck not knowing it was for this exact moment,” reads the caption of Diplo’s Instagram post.

The video features a handful of people walking through a muddy field, and then that same handful of people, plus Chris Rock, sitting in the back of a moving pickup truck.

“All Chris could think about was a f**king cold brew,” Diplo wrote over the shot of Rock perched on the edge of the truck bed in a blue windbreaker.

Rock, for his part, documented the chaos on his Instagram stories. They’ve all since expired, but he shared updates about the plumbing situation: “Because of the flooding, the port-o-potties reportedly can’t be emptied. And because the gates are closed, people can’t get in to fill generators or deliver supplies.” He also posted one about the very mud that he and Diplo trudged through in their quest for rescue, which was apparently ankle-deep in some places, making it impossible to get around.

The Burning Man powers that be posted a sober warning late Saturday night saying that all travel in and out of Black Rock City was halted, and “no driving is permitted on playa except for emergency vehicles.” And, as Diplo pointed out, that one very enterprising young man who had the good sense to purchase a truck!

Don’t worry, Rock posted a story from the Renaissance tour last night, so he made it out okay. And hopefully got that cold brew.

By Emma Chance

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The Humor Mill Volume 7 Issue 1 March 2023

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