The Humor Mill

The Humor Mill To Launch New Radio Show On The Foxxhole!

Posted Apr 10, 2012

We here at The Humor Mill are preparing to launch a new radio show on the Jamie Foxx owned Radio Station known as The Foxxhole. The Sirius XM Satellite station is currently revamping it’s schedule and has already rolled out several new comedians with their own show. Comedians such as Gary Owen, Tony Roberts and Billy Sorrells are all in the early stages of launching (or have already launched)  their own shows, and now we have joined those ranks.

The show will be a weekly one hour show hosted by and with comedians Jay Phillips and Joey Wells, with Publisher Frank Holder having a round table discussion about the current topics happening in the comedy and entertainment industry, while also having discussions and interviews with comedians, actors, producers, directors (and more) talking about their future projects. With surprise guests and more stopping by- and exclusives- you never know what’s going to happen!

More details will follow soon!

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The Humor Mill Volume 7 Issue 1 March 2023

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